Journey of We®

From Couch to Elite: My Journey to Becoming a Top 2% Runner

Rediscovering My Running Spirit

I believe it was Ralph Waldo Emerson   who coined the phrase; “You are what you think ” In the early months of 2021,1 didn’t quite know what to think about my physical state. Since my youth, I’ve been an on-and-off runner. At that time, I was definitely in an “off” period or what I call my “couch” period”.  And had allowed  my weight  to  mushroom  to  almost  240  pounds.  I recall  running  a  5k race in  February of  2021  – that l  had  proudly run  well  just  a  year  before  to  honor  my wife  who  had successfully battled breast cancer. The results of the race this go around were abysmal. Being honest with myself, the race results simply matched the abysmal weight gain I had accumulated through lack of exercise and undisciplined eating. I was not in a good place physically or mentally.

The Power of Positivity and Goal Setting

But my friend Ted (Theo) talked with me about positivity and goal setting. I established a weight loss chart targeting six months and scheduled regular exercise (3-4 days/week) into my routines. My outlook began to change as I set my mind to think less about my current terrible condition and more about what I wanted to accomplish in the upcoming week. Small goals. Small accomplishments-that accumulate to build real progress. This incremental progress made the “big task” manageable and gave me new perspective about where I was going. I was making the shift to positivity.

Achieving My First Milestones

I accomplished my stated six-month goals, dropping 35 pounds and reducing my run times to a respectable pace for my age. But something else happened; this newfound positivity – fueled by accomplishment – dared me to think bigger. Or more accurately, to think “FASTER”.  During the balance of 2021,1 had taken several minutes off my 5k time and was flirting with the status of “Advanced” for my age (top 10% of runners nationally by age-group). But it begged the question – what was possible? How much faster could I go?

Do I dare to dream of achieving Elite (top 2% by age-group) status as a runner?

In the following year, I started placing in the top five of my age groups in various 5k races – including a few number ones along the way. In the fall of 2023, my times had thrust me into the Advanced status, and I locked in on achieving ELITE by 2025

The Road Ahead

This journey is still unfolding-with a targeted accomplishment date of April 2025 in Boston, to run a 20:40 (sub 7 min/mile average) 5k at the age of 60. I have a lot of work to do but my confidence is high…high because with positivity, goal setting, determination, and of course the gifts that God has given us…anything is possible.

Final Thoughts

This experience has taught me that no matter where you start, it’s possible to make incredible progress by setting achievable goals and maintaining a positive mindset. The journey from couch to elite runner is not just about physical transformation; it’s about discovering what’s possible when you dare to dream big.

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